Make Better NodeJS Support

We need better support for NodeJS.

add some documentation for JavaScript as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks in advance.

Whats not supported with the JS implementation? Everything is there that is needed as far as I know. I was using it a couple weeks ago on a gamemode a friend was working on.

Perhaps, but there isn’t any documentation.

Well being honest there really isnt a whole lot of documentation for any of the languages but the basics but I can use knowledge of how something is used and kinda translate that to JS or C# which has been working out pretty well especially since most of the code here resource wise is Lua.

I agree. This is however what xander said not specific to just JS.

We were told months ago that the community could help out with the documentation but we still don’t have a public repo of the documentation site to PR to. I’d love to see this

Edit: in #announcements it was mentioned that the repo will be made public in early 2019 :hugs:

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This is what @calcium sad

Survey results: The road ahead

Yeah i cant wait when we can also help and add stuff so this community can get beter and also so it can be beter / easier for new people to learn

I made my own documentation for NodeJS with the natives.d.ts files, it’s not the best documentation but we can see wich functions are useable in JS. (\citizen\scripting\v8)

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