Los Santos Customs | Benny's Motorworks V1.2

You have to be facing the garage with vehicle , if you will drive inside backwards, then it wont work

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is there a way to do it with ENTER or E or other key

I will soon add config option to enable old entering way

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@FAXES @Yunus_Emre_AKTAS Redownload and set LSC_Config.oldenter = false to true in lsconfig.lua, it will enable old entering way :slight_smile:

from vrp wait release?

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thank you. last one is when people buy parts. its free to buy parts. money is dont change when you buy sometihng im using esx

Very nice release. Entering in workshop like gtao is awesome.

Will there be a vrp release? If not is it posssible to make everything free if vrp conversion is not possible?

Cant tell for now… But yeah it is possible to set everything for free just change all prices in lsconfig.lua to 0

i mean right now erverythink has a price but when you buy it your money is still the same. i mean price have a bug

I know… It’s not a bug… there is no money system implemented. Take a look at lscustoms_server.lua and u will understand

so how to add ? im using essential

I think the link you provided is broken?

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Simply replace the ServerEvent(“LSC:buttonSelected”)
to that

AddEventHandler("LSC:buttonSelected", function(name, button)
    TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)
        local player = user.getIdentifier()
        if button.price then
            if (tonumber(user.getMoney()) <= tonumber(button.price)) then
                TriggerClientEvent("LSC:buttonSelected", source,name, button, true)
                TriggerClientEvent("LSC:buttonSelected", source,name, button, false)

I feal like you copied the ESX Version :smirk:

I tried adding this, but now tells me - not enough money.
Any other idea?


Change <= to >= in this line if (tonumber(user.getMoney()) <= tonumber(button.price)) then

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Nope, it is not broken.


then whats your point of doing copy of someone else script… at least take the time to give them the credit…

Wuuuuut? I didnt copy anything from someone else :smiley: . If someone have copied something related to LSC then it is all from me as i made and released the first LSC script - [Release] Los Santos Customs by Arturs