Build a Community through Joining, Merging, or Partnering with us!


I own a FiveM community called Distorted Pixels. We are a new and upcoming community. We are wanting realistic roleplay and have an economy that is balanced for civilians, whitelisted, and criminal players. Although criminals may make more money, they are subject to being caught and fined for their crimes to balance out the economy.

Whitelisted Jobs

We have several whitelisted jobs to include police, Fire, EMS, SADot, Dispatch, Corrections, Lawyers, Judges, Mechanics, business owners, and more.

Public Jobs

We have several public jobs to include butcher, fishermen, fueler, garbage, lumberjack, miner, reporter, tailor and soon to be more.

Criminal Activities

Our criminal activities are drugs that can be sold to locals and players (meth, cocaine, weed), jewelry heist, bank robberies, ATM thefts, chop shops, and more.

Server Information

  • We have roughly 15 people in server per night
  • We have one software engineer and about six developers.
  • Our server is ESX and well balanced with a staff member who has timed and done each job to ensure fairness.
  • We have a dedicated server with several development servers, a website, Discord, and TeamSpeak license.
  • We have over 25 police vehicles for all kinds of functions such as; drug investigation, speed enforcement, patrol functions, and more. We have over ten fire and EMS vehicles with several vehicles for SADot and mechanics. We have hundreds of civilian vehicles and all vehicles are balanced to ensure a Prius is not driving 200MPH.

How to Join or Merge/Partner?

If you are interested in joining our community and have folks that want to join with you from a community that may be out of means to pay for the server, not enough player base, or whatever the reason may be please reach out to me at LocoGuero#6969. Staff and whitelisted positions will be provided. I will not promise you a director position, but I can promise you a fair position. It is important to know that our staff play a mutual role in server growth and development. I try to be as fair as possible. Also, I am a police officer in real life and a veteran. I know law enforcement and how to work with folks. We have a custom frame coming soon.

Join our discord at

Check out some screenshots below!

new_uniforms SPOILER_new_squad_new_uniforms

2021-01-18_6fire 1 fire 2sadot 2 sadot 3 sadot 1

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Come Join Us!

Come Join Us! Hiring all whitelisted position with some department heads available!

Looking for a merge and hiring police, fire/EMS, and other whitelisted jobs.

You should check out my post to see if you would like to merge into us! @LocoGuero

We are not interested in merging into another community. We are looking for a merge or partnership from another community with us. We are currently hiring police, fire/EMS, and other whitelisted jobs. Join our discord above.

Our custom frame is coming out any day now so pop in now!