Looking to hire a Developer for new server

Hello, I am looking to hire a coder and designer for new GTA RP server. im looking for a top developer whos experience in Serious GTA RP. Im willing to pay hourly or by the project.
I plan on making the server big and successful and would like to keep you full time.
email- chadtgl@gmail.com


You still looking for a developer bro?

yes I am

1 Like

Hi emailed u about the position and have not heard back yet. My discord is : SNM UK#0378


Email sent

Hey Buddy,

I think I may have just what you need in terms of development, i have a backbone of script developers and a team of individuals that can help you achieve what you need.

Check us out.

Hello! I have almost three years experience developing for FiveM communities contact me on discord!


Im looking for another dev.

I can Help You
this is my Discord id : Horzen#0001

are you looking for any EMS/Fire Chief? Or even a Sonora Cad expert?

if so HMU I will tell you more,

kind regards,

Money involved