Looking to find a new home!

What I can recommend is make your own post instead of replying to this one as more people can see it. Another thing is that no server that I know of that will meet every single requirement you have as it seems you are very specific in what you want. The only way is to make your own server, which you said you did. People will come to you and say they have everything you want, but it wont and I am going to tell you this now. I can tell you what the server I am on offers, and it is up to you if you want to join. Otherwise, browse through the bazar or just try joining some different servers off the list.

In terms of your list here is what we offer:
Whitelist: We were once whitelisted a long time ago, but our server struggled to get any applications, so we went to public until we can get a player base large enough for whitelisted content
Custom Cad: We do use Sonoran, but we put quite some work into making it unique with several cool scripts.
ESX: So here is the weird one. Currently we are menu, but ESX has been in development for a while, we are currently unsure with the direction on it so it may or may not happen. There are a lot of factors going into it.
Hiring PD: County applications are currently closed due to the large size of the department. State and local pd are still hiring though
Has EMS: Yes SAFD is a thing
Has DOT: We have DOT vehicles and tow trucks that anyone can use. We have no specific DOT department
Custom Jobs: Since we are menu right now, all the jobs are custom XD, so you have the option to create your own jobs
Custom EUP: Yep, every single department has their own uniforms, plus plenty of clothes for civs
Custom Emergency Vehicles: Yep, every department has their own independent fleet
Illegal to steal vehicles: I’m pretty sure this is a law on every server, but if you are talking about a dedicated rule that says people cant steal cop cars or at least on scene, I believe we have that rule
18+: No but we have plenty of adults on the server
Custom scripts: Yep
Police scripts: Yep all of them work
Community scripts: Yep all of them in should work right as of last testing
Purchase houses: No since we are still menu
Purchase vehicles: No since we are still menu
Friendly community: Absolutely. One of our key points is our community. We spend many hours with each other just chilling and talking and help each other with anything
License scripts: Not to sure what you mean there, but licenses can be put on your character in the cad
Screen shots and videos: All on our forum post and discord
Uses teamspeak: Yep, we even used to use toko, but we got rid of it due to issues with dispatchers who did not own the game and other issues
Active admins: On every day and doing their jobs
Server does not crash or connection issues: Not any that I know of on the server side, only problems have been on client side
Streamer friendly: We encourage it

Come chat with us, and feel free to ask any questions