Hi! My name is max and I am an “experienced” developer. I hate that word… Anyway, im looking for a lead a CoOwner Ik what your saying wow he only wants to walk into a server and get all these roles but no I’m an ex server owner and I had to leave it because of family reasons and now I’m looking to start something back up and be apart of something. You can contact me on discord with Max is a bitch#8586 Hope to see you there!
bump still looking!
bump still looking!
Bump still looking!
Bump still looking!
Hey there! So are you looking to join an existing server as a co-owner or start a server as a co-owner?
hey i just saw your post and i am wondering do you own an existing server with a co owner spot free?
Hey hey! Thanks for your inquiry. So I started a server a while back and invested a lot of time and money to aquire assets, devs, etc., but due to time constraints and my lack of marketing abilities to grow a playerbase, I put it on hold so I could regroup.
So I’m ready to get back at it and have decided its best to partner with someone who either has a server with at least some of a playerbase and community but could benefit from financial assistance and someone with organizational and leadership skills to take the server to the next level. Or who wants to start a server and has a decent amount of people willing to join or has a proven skillset to build a community and again, could benefit from the financial backing.
So basically its like I have the money and business sense to invest in the server and everything it needs, but need another partner who has a following or the skills to build a community and bring in the people. If that makes sense.
But I’ll be making a post shortly to explain this and some other opportunities I have so people can reply there. But feel free to hmu on Discord if this interests you or your want to discuss further @ AZ The Sage #0001
Hey bud. I sent you a friend request on Price#4303. Looking to recruit for a big project.
Hey can you add me ? My discord is TristanDB#2705 im interested
Hey there. I’ve sent you a friend request on discord. I’m a part of a server in development at the moment. We have 3 directors and 5 developers at the moment. We’d love to have a chat with you. Price#4303
bump still looking
hey man sadly your discord doesnt work, please add M1XM#8586
bump still looking!
Bump still looking!
Bump still looking
Bump still looking!
Can’t add you discord - join this discord if you haven’t found a server to lead yet