[Looking] Looking for a vehicle purchase menu *with specific features*

Hello, I am looking for a UI which has all of the following features:
-Purchase Vehicles (The Money System Does Not Matter).
-Can be used anywhere with a keybind, similar to vMenu.
-Can spawn in vehicles anywhere with said menu, similar to vMenu.

This is for a freeroam server. I would very much appreciate any help given!

Something like this? [RELEASE] Addon Vehicle Spawn Menu | With Template

Seems to me like this menu does not include any functionality to purchase vehicles with a money system which was my very first request.

Do you already use something like QBCORE or ESX for money?

Right now, I am standalone in a sandbox server. What I am saying (in more detail) is, I am willing to switch from standalone to any framework there is if there is a menu that can meet those requirements for said framework.

I am simply looking for a UI that can be used anywhere in the world with a / command or keybind that allows you to purchase cars. Every single one I find is a full on overkill dealership system which I do not want.

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