A script to provide a fixed altitude the helicopter is flying at by press of a key bind or /command
The current HUD script I am using [Release][Free] Helicopter & Plane HUD shows height from the ground, not above sea level, which a real altimeter shows.
That may be a good thing in that you can set your height (for example 500 feet) and the helicopter will rise up and down with the terrain below, maintaining that 500 feet. (I’m not sure about gta logic with this?)
Alternatively, set the altitude as sea level and it will maintain that regardless of terrain.
It would depend on gta logic as to ground as zero i suppose?
The pilot takes off and once at a safe altitude presses keybind to set altitude hold.
Initial altitude set at 500 feet in code (if this is in a json file or editable file the user can change as required)
The helicopter will climb to this height and then maintain it until cancelled by keybind (same key)
Whilst in altitude hold, the pilot can press, either numpad + for increase in altitude by 50 feet or keyboard - for decrease in 50 feet.
I notice there are cruise control scripts for cars, so if possbile a speed hold for helicopters would be nice.
thanks for considering my idea