Looking for a whitelisted community pls

LEO department leader here looking a community that’s worth my time lol

I have a server I just opened not many people. But i’m working on getting more. Everyone joins then leaves because theirs no one in there but if they would have all stayed then we would have had about 20 by now (just opened yesterday). Discord: https://discord.gg/nbZvupF or my discord: AndrewPlays#8918 join that ts really good server West Side Rp

GunSlingers RP- https://discord.gg/FDuHN7j

No need to look further :wink:


:sunglasses: Deleted Post!

howdy der’partner, my name is sir capri ‘sun’ and i hear ya’ll lookin for the fanciest, darn bestest, spitballin time.

Be sure to check out yer local cowboy toot hole down by four kings avenue eyyy

see you there part’ner’

I dont think this person is still looking for a community 2 years later.