Looking for a server to join! (1400+ hours, experienced)

Our mission at FamilyRP is to provide a fun, immersive and inclusive environment for all players to engage in a rich and dynamic role-playing experience. We strive to create a community where players can forge meaningful storylines, build lasting friendships, and live out their RP dreams in a fun yet serious manner. Our goal is to foster a positive and supportive community that encourages creativity, collaboration and communication among players of all backgrounds and skill levels. We believe that every player has the right to feel valued and heard, and we are committed to evolving our city around those voices and suggestions. We are dedicated to providing an authentic and realistic role-playing experience that is both engaging and challenging. We believe that by promoting detailed character development, we can create a truly immersive and enjoyable experience that will keep players returning for further RP! In all that we do, we are guided by the principles of fairness, integrity and respect. We are committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and overall negativity.


Server Overview:
:small_orange_diamond:Developed by some of the best FiveM Developers in the business!
:small_orange_diamond:Provide an immersive environment for high-quality roleplay through development, structure, and
:small_orange_diamond:Allow community voices and votes to guide the overall direction of the server.
:small_orange_diamond:Transparent leadership provided by highly-trained Admins, Moderators, and Mentors.
:small_orange_diamond:Staff accountability ensured by their inability to hold roles such as Gang Leaders, LEO Command,
and Business Owners.
:small_orange_diamond:Detailed change logs and developmental paths provided by Development Team to ensure overall
server progress.
:small_orange_diamond:Content creator partnership program for those creators who want to be the face of FamilyRP on their platforms.

Server Features:
:small_orange_diamond:Economy based server
:small_orange_diamond:Multiplayer civilian jobs to facilitate a fun and interactive start to the city
:small_orange_diamond:Detailed housing and decorating system
:small_orange_diamond:Custom EMS/medical script with realistic assessments, injury-specific treatments, and working medical bag.
:small_orange_diamond:Custom Gang Script with set territories and fluctuating reputation and territory status.
:small_orange_diamond:Vehicle handling overhaul to provide realistic acceleration, braking, and handling.
:small_orange_diamond:Available VIP for access to exclusive vehicles, and custom items.
:small_orange_diamond:Custom drug system with location-based processing, corner selling, and bulk selling.
:small_orange_diamond:Racing system with ELO based rankings and class specific events. Both on land and water!
:small_orange_diamond:Crafting system with tiers and levels scaled for efficiency and productivity.
:small_orange_diamond:Automated and Whitelisted pilot job to take players to Cayo Perico.
:small_orange_diamond:Player-owned business system provided to well-qualified applicants based on activity level and creativity.
:small_orange_diamond:City services such as SADOT, Law Enforcement, FIRE/EMS, and QPark.
:small_orange_diamond:Hunting, fishing, off-road rentals, skydiving, paintball and more recreational activities.

Law Enforcement:
:small_blue_diamond: Real-world law enforcement input provided to ensure immersive experience when encountering police.
:small_blue_diamond:Three agencies LSPD, BCSO, and SASP with respective subdivisions (Air Ops, Gang Unit, Traffic, Narcotics).
:small_blue_diamond:Heavy emphasis on risk vs reward for police and criminal activities.
:small_blue_diamond:30+ Custom LE vehicles with quarterly rotations to provide a fresh feel in the city.
:small_blue_diamond:In-depth dispatch and MDT System for streamlined 911 services.

:small_red_triangle_down: Custom Fire/EMS vehicles and liveries
:small_red_triangle_down: 100% custom medical system with patient assessments and specific treatments.
:small_red_triangle_down: Persistent injuries and pain to further depthen the level of medical roleplay.
:small_red_triangle_down: Fully-functioning medical bad complete with working medical equipment and medications.
:small_red_triangle_down: SAMC hospital and staff to provide next level care for critical patients.

looking for a community thats recruiting LEO or civilians, qbcore / esx preferred with a playerbase

discord: disiples

Kindly send me your discord server link to join please.

Feedback and asking about stuff rather than blocking me would’ve been appreciated, I never once claimed to have QB/ESX specifically and there’s a lot more to the server than what you saw. It’s very well developed if you actually tried it for more than 5 seconds.

Website: www.FamilyRP.net

Discord: Family RP

TikTok: www.FamilyRP.net (@familyrp.fivem) | TikTok

Reddit: Reddit - Dive into anything

:small_orange_diamond: OPEN BETA NOW LIVE! :small_orange_diamond:

Beta open from 2pm-2am Central Time

Welcome to FamilyRP where players will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse range of professions, and engage in various activities within the city. They can choose to be law enforcement officers, business owners, emergency service personnel, or even regular citizens trying to make a living."

The city also focuses on providing a realistic and immersive roleplaying experience, where players can interact with each other, participate in dynamic events, and shape the city’s narrative through their actions. From routine traffic stops to high-stakes criminal investigations, every day brings new challenges and opportunities in and out of the City Of Los Santos.

We are looking to provide you with a city that captivates everyone with multiplayer jobs, detailed criminal systems, and top-tier LEO/FIRE services. Our community is lead by high-quality RP’ers, who’ve played on some the most popular GTA:RP platforms to date. Here at FamilyRP you will find that our departments are lead by actual officers and troopers to offer an authentic experience, without overpowering LEO:RP within the city. Balance, fairness, and transparency are key elements we incorporated to the development of FamilyRP.

Seeking a community! Please post yours

bumpp lf community


Literally the next NoPixel

Check out Burnt Rubber Underground RP. Still growing in population with a mostly US based player group. I’m not going to try and sell you with some flashy long ad, but would rather see you check us out for yourself. We are more geared towards custom cars, races, and fun, but do have heists and criminal activity. If you want to join PD, spend a couple days in to learn your way around then apply. Connect with us on discord to see what we are about. discord.gg/74PRsSqVqP

Looking for a city! Please post yours or contact me on discord

bro… its been 3 and a half years

“bro” and half of these communities are no longer a thing, or are dead. review the communities before you input

I’m not trying to be rude lol, just saying how hard it is to find a good community nowadays. I’m making my own, if you’re interested add .stiggly and we can discuss further there. But we are still in development. (QB)

Family RP as posted above, is a great server if you’re looking for serious RP. We have an amazing development team, and a community of good RP’ers.

still looking

+bump looking to become an LEO or civilian

Still looking

looking to apply to become an leo or civilian

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we are always looking for members. Our Police has actual LEO that was or currently still on or off the job

Still looking for a city, not looking to join one that is dead or is poorly developed.