Looking for a server that needs a communications head

Hello! My name is Austin and I have been roleplaying for about 7 years now. I am currently trying to get back into the game and I want to be a communications director. I do have previous experience, which will be posted below.

Why choose me for the position?

I think being the communications director can be a very challenging position, especially in game. I think I have what it takes to take the position that needs filling. Some of the things I am capable of doing for the position are:

  • Create a roster that is organized and looks professional
  • I am able to create a full SOP of rules and regulations within the department
  • I am able to interview and hire the proper individuals for the positions needed within the department

I am looking for specific severs including:

  • Must be a 16+ server
  • The Server must have a fully operational discord and TeamSpeak, the TeamSpeak has to be setup for dispatchers too
  • The server must have 50+ people and must be active everyday. The server can have assigned patrols or the server can have patrols by themselves and be very active
  • Every department is allowed to have their own discord server

If you think I have what it takes to fill that role within your server, let me know below with the server link, or add me on discord. My username is austinkerr

Hey! my name is Enrique and I am the Director of City Of Toronto Roleplay and we’d love to have you on our Dev team. If you can join our community discord and we can chat further about this. https://discord.gg/tYfZdTs

I am looking for a developer

What is the discord of your server

For clarification so people know what they’re getting into.

Do you develop your own scripts, or do you install scripts released online? There is a drastic difference.


Hello, we need a textures developer right here, we need help with New york car textures and skin for Peds it would be very generous if you could help us here

Hey we should talk add me on discord Unix#5003

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ive seen this guy before, he takes scripts online and modifies some strings and says he made it

I Would Love For to be my developer can you make custom peds if so dm me at Shelby Mahoney#7005

I am part of a new server, I am not good with scripting at all and neither is the owner, we just need help with adding a few scripts. My discord is Beep Boop#8904

Im a dev, im always free

Bump! Looking for more members! Looking for staff, department heads and more!

Bump! Looking for new and active members for every department! Be sure to join today!

Bump! Still looking

Bump! Still looking

Still looking!

Still Looking!

Bump! Still looking! I can provide you with a

Fully Developed Roster


A discord server for the department

I am looking for a very active server

Still looking!

Bump! Still looking for a server