Looking for a server (new to rp)

my husband, myself, and my husbands friend is wanting to get into rdr2 rp and was looking for a server for new rpers. if you have any suggestions please let me know. thank you in advance <3

We are a fast growing community getting ready to relaunch

https://discord.gg/X3Aty39 we also have a fresh newly built redm server, We also offer a fivem server and a rust server. Join in the spectrum fun

New community/server currently in development which is entirely focused on RedM, The roleplay is more in time and fitting with the period with server rules and roleplay rules focusing more on realism.

Join our discord community if this interests you https://discord.gg/R2m46zSA4J

The server has moved to https://discord.gg/TcA6Jhf

you can join mine aswell discord.gg/blurryrp or search blurry rp in five m server list

Hey, If you’re looking for an economy based rp server you can join Red Dead RP here; https://discord.gg/EW3tVxvAFh

We have streamers & experienced roleplayers building a growing welcoming community.
Lots to do either on your own or with a gang up to 5. and we’re updating the server daily.

Hope to see you there :slight_smile: