im looking for a developer to help me with my own server
i have a few ideas id like to see in the server. i have no idea if they are even possible but thats why im here.
if i can do most of the ideas i have i’ll go ahead and purchase a server so when i get my computer it’ll be on the way to be ready to play.
i have a discord if anyone wants to talk about this further
i don’t know, im new to this anyone who can change a few things and add a few things to the map on the fiveM server? most is already there so i don’t see it being a huge problem
any devs still looking for a place to call home? We are an esx server in need of a dev to fix errors and help us get to the next level. We have lots of ideas just are lacking someone with the knowledge to code things to make our ideas reality. Shoot me a message on discord fghtr3803#7587