Lockpicking minigame

Looking for a new ESX house robbery or store robbery script with this lockpicking minigame.
Screenshot 2021-07-22 201820

just make it :smiley:

Basicly this; https://codepen.io/teolitto/pen/vLEEbY
I guess you can convert it over to a FiveM resource yourself, atleast, I hope so.

@RobijnFox No need to ‘convert’ anything, you just create a resource and copy all the files over (maybe add a toggle switch to display it on/off) and you’re done.

I actually made a very simple script utilising this exact JS minigame a while ago, if I can find it I’ll push it to GitHub for you.

With converting I meant making a export to start the minigame and return the outcome, whether you succeeded or failed.
To the UI you indeed only have to add a display toggle, its nothing fancy.