FiveM Loadingscreen

A loading screen with music player and 3D sensivity.



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I’m not sure, but you should improve your designing skills. It looks to unprofessional and it seems like a newbie have made it. No hate to you, but you should try to improve it a bit with more pleasent fonts, text placement, picture placements etc.

Good luck!


It was made by a friend, i just made it work with FiveM as a resource…
And as You say he is new to this!

Thanks for that constructive comment and good luck too there!
Btw that friend is xterminator :slight_smile:

I will update it soon…

I think it looks alright to be honest

:grin: back at trolling I see lol

Hey there!! Its me xterminator on another account :)).I just wanted to Say that i made this in about half an hour ANd wanted to post it because Why not
I will maybe post this week another one which will look awesome I promise :grin:

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Im with LifeGoal on this one. Feels like you rushed this just for attention. This is basic html you did not even design the loading screen its just a bunch of pictures. You can release what ever you want as long as it follows the rules but I highly suggest you read this quote from our Lion Leader D0p3t.

Link to original thread.

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Man, this is just for helping my friend to post his resource, i don’t develop anymore FiveM scripts…

And I am completely on your side, but he has some updates to do on this one, so let him learn!

Well dont release it then! I dont get why he cant just upload it himself…

If he is trying to learn I suggest he practice by sharing improved/edited versions in the original forum tutorial for loadingscreens. Because this is not good enough quality to even share as a wip imo let alone a release.

…brah, I suggest you to help the new people in community, I have a project to help them studying scripting, I am trying just to promovate him up here, he can’t post in releases, because he is new to the forum!

If you don’t like that resource just take a breath and go over, there is a small start for everyone…