Hey there,
I’ve went ahead and created a resource which anybody can use in their server.
This resource renders checkpoints in the sky which are supposed to visualize a flight path in the world.
The built-in flight paths here are from LSIA to Sandy Shores, and Sandy Shores to Grapeseed.
They will only appear when you or anybody is in a plane, and you can optionally hide them (on by default) by typing /hidepaths
You can modify the script by adding in additional X, Y and Z Co-Ordinates within the two defined tables at the top of client.lua
If you wish to add more flight paths, you can create more tables in the following format:
local placeOneToPlaceTwo = {
["x"] = 0.0, ["y"] = 0.0, ["z"] = 0.0},
["x"] = 1.0, ["y"] = 1.0, ["z"] = 1.0
and then, in the Citizen.CreateThread()
function at the bottom of the script, you can duplicate the lines:
for k,v in ipairs(placeOneToPlaceTwo) do
local checkpoint = CreateCheckpoint(35, v.x, v.y, v.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 24.0, 255, 0, 0, 100, 0)
table.insert(createdCheckpoints, checkpoint)
and just change the table name.
Any questions let me know.
(Also - I posted in here because it wasn’t letting me post in releases).