Linux server "SIGABRT" crashes server

I run my server on Linux Ubuntu Server 16.04 and I run the latest version of it. Sometimes when I wake up or when my friends and I are playing it will crash and this will be caused by the error below. I honestly have no idea what is happening or how to solve it.

Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.


I (tried) to reinstall mono on my machine to see if it would fix the issue, I will update if it did but right now it is completely random crashing.

Possibly related? I don’t know if they are but, if they are do you mind contributing to that thread? It’ll give the devs more information on the issue and hopefully will help them fix it.

i’ve exactly the same problem, and can’t resolve it :confused:

Try running the newest build

I just have a little question, on Citizen (old version so) i installed mono 4.6.2, cause of bug with the latest version of mono with Citizen, can update my mono to the latest version without any compatibility problems with FX ?

Mono is packaged with FX, your system version does not matter.

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i just tested, same randomly crash with this same error

Now if only you’d paste the text above that text, like ‘terminating with […]’, that’d help a lot. Are you on the latest FXS, however?

okok, i wait the future crash then i post it :+1:t2:

This is a known issue, but the cause is as of yet unknown.

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will you notify when you find something?

This is really giving me a hard time to make my server stable again and I’ve stopped using CitiMP since it’s no longer listed, hoping someone finds a fix soon in the meantime I’ll be attempting to fix it myself.

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i just don’t understand why down CitMP while FX is unstable as we can see ?

it runs fine on Windows, Linux wasn’t officially supported for CitizenMP.Server either

also the ‘assertion failed’ was fixed in newer fxs updates