Lighting issues

I need some help with my server:

On my server I have 3 custom police vehicle models, a ford explorer, a dodge charger and some kind of civil-undercover car.

On the charger and explorer the police lights are dissapearing weh we go 15 meters from the vehicle, and the lights seem kind of dim compared to the standard police models.

From what I can see on some videos on youtube the lights seem a lot brighter, and with some nice effects.

So can somebody help me maybe getting the lights to work on my cars?

Note: The cars we have downloaded is not with ELS - because every car we tried with ELS, half the lights didn’t work.
So regarding that, is there a way to get ELS to work, or maybe getting ELS vehicles to work?

Thanks and best og regards

you need custom metas to make the lights work properly for one , two good visualsettings, three go to your in-game settings and turn POST FX above high and that should make them brighter

Most vehicles is for ELS use only - Is there a way to get them to work without ELS?

Now I got some visual-settings installed - It did the reflection settings - but still, when I go about 20 meters away from the vehicle it doesn’t show the blinking lights at all.

My POSTFX is set to Ultra