I cannot launch five reborn on my computer even though i have a legit steam version perma-banned though
cannot determine GTA V update version but assumed at latest
Windows 10 Pro insider preview 64-bit build 14986
No Log for error
pictures will follow
PICS - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwfWwUjh5pQFSkVvRnJON0JuVnM
mpbiker and patchday12ng seem to be missing.
Try verifying the game cache using Steam! 
your gta v folder needs to be clean, no mods, no anything wich is not there normally
I have the same problem, CD version
l thanks, will do
side note: are ENBs usable?
run the game and let it update?
Uh, I think I saw some tutorial for ENBs but you should try without it first.
OK, I replaced it with a fresh original clean GTA V backup (to save time) and validated. After that, it works, thanks.
1- My GTA V is up to date .
2-Yes.it’s legit copy .
How I can disable Anti-virus that’s come with W10?
cahes.xml not working else
nao consigo acessar o five M por causa de um erro