Legends-keypress Standalone Key Press Mini-Game

This standalone mini-game for RedM RP servers challenges players with quick key-press actions against the clock! Players must press random keys within a limited time, with interactive audio feedback for key presses, success, and failure. The game includes dynamic UI positioning and customizable settings, making it adaptable and engaging.

:sparkles: Features

  • :game_die: Random Key Challenge: Players must react to random key prompts within a set time limit.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Configurable Settings: Customize time limits and the number of key presses required for success.
  • :loud_sound: Audio Feedback: Sounds for game start, key actions, and game end, enhancing immersion.
  • :dart: Dynamic UI Repositioning: Adds challenge with a UI that shifts on each key prompt.
  • :electric_plug: Standalone Functionality: Easy integration with other scripts via exports.


  • Standalone

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +100
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes
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