I can give you money back or wait for a esx release. Should not be long
Give me a refund please, my username is EL_TIGUERE
Will update you on the esx. and refund
ok tranks, let me know when you give me the refund please
I will also send you a free copy, once esx is up for the trouble.
let me know I can also work with you on the esx script? Let me know I have half the code ready
yeah this is horrible just brought it says cant load it no meta file doesnt exsist or some shit waste time
and money
Do you have a ticket in the discord also are you using esx or qbcore. the esx ver has beeen discontinued until I have more time, also did you add the custom weapon names to the config?
Also please keep in mind, I sleep…lol
ive just brought it and nup im qb core
You need to make a ticket homie, just posting " cant load it no meta file doesnt exsist or some shit waste time
and money" Is not helping you…