Kartel Robbery

Kartel Robbery

At the location if you can kill all enemy, you can loot the crates. You can change the location, and much else.

⌈ Buy from here ⌋ : https://black-city-scripts.tebex.io/package/5368498
Video Preview: https://youtu.be/eo_UKKLc6Bs

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1200+
Requirements ESX
Support Yes


Config.lang = 'en'

Config.Cooldown = 2*60*60 -- 2 hour = 2*60*60

Config.BoatRenterPos = vector4(-99.33627, 6167.367, 31.04907, 0.0)
Config.SpawnBoatPos = vector4(-99.33627, 6167.367, 31.04907, 0.0)
Config.MotherkartelPos = vector3(-99.33627, 6167.367, 31.04907)

Loot.positions = {
    { id = 1, x = -147.0198, y = 6143.169, z = 32.32971,  loottype = 'high', locks = 1},
    { id = 2, x = -150.6989, y = 6143.723, z = 32.32971,  loottype = 'medium', locks = 3},
    { id = 3, x = -154.0615, y = 6141.534, z = 32.32971,  loottype = 'medium', locks = 3}

Loot.Rewards = {
    ["high"] = {

        ["cocaine"] = {
            type = "item", -- weapon,item,money,blackmoney
            maxcount = 2, -- if weapon the maxcount is the ammo count!
            mincount = 0

        ["black_money"] = {
            type = "account", -- weapon, item, account
            maxcount = 5000, -- if weapon the maxcount is the ammo count!
            mincount = 2000


    ["medium"] = { ....

Peds.positions = {
    {x = -101.2879, y = 6204.751, z = 31.01538},
    {x = -105.2835, y = 6202.8, z = 31.01538},
    {x = -102.633, y = 6200.571, z = 31.01538},
    {x = -103.8066, y = 6199.147, z = 31.01538},

$15 ??? This is just set ped spawns and a draw marker for a minigame that wasn’t created by you, And it’s escrowed ?? There’s not 1200+ lines this could maybe be 100 ish max.

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