Jobs dont becomes Notification

Hi im using ESX with Policejob, mechanicjob and ambulance job…

im in The Policejob on my Server as Commander…when someone calls the police…i dont become a notification or a message than they need help… the other job doesnt too… what i do wrong??

Sry for my Bad English!

Here are my files with esx resources

thx for your answer…idk where is the problem

others can send a help, so call the police…but the Mechanic/ambulance/police dont become become a message… but i try to queston there

Yoyo, Have you started your phone before or after the jobs, It should be started before the jobs! Thanks.

  • Protaknium

i had startet the phones before jobs…but i switch now the phone with GCphone…i like that…:slight_smile: someone can close this tread…but thx for helping