💼 Jobs Creator 7.0 [ESX][QBCore] - in-game Job Creation Menu without server restart

looks good

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It would be nice To make it Possible to Revive Player to Activate That in a Job Like making a Second Ambulance Job So yk


Hi, thank you very much :grin:


Yes i try it but not working is need to have in the script some stuff to triger mesage

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I’ll see what I can do in a future update :+1:

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Cool :heart_eyes:

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Love this script made my days much easier and i am loving the updates.

Suggestion. Have EMS and Mechanic Support. I’d love to get the Standard EMS and Mechanic Actions in there.

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Thank you guys :grin:

Update 3.21

  • Added translation to park vehicle in garage (it wasn’t in the locales file)
  • Fixed for action a compatibility issue for older ESX versions
  • Fixed a bug in armory that caused issues if the weapons ammo were 0
  • Fixed a security issue in armory
  • Added time to sell for each item in ‘market’ marker
  • Added in cl_config.lua option to decide if you want to let players to be able selling more than 1 item per time (this would prevent AFK selling)

Hello guys and creator,

at the first I want to say that’s a very great script for this price. It helps a lot to create job in a minimum of time than before. The functions are very great and its combine much functions in one script. At the installation I had just one problem. I got the sql ready to upload it in my database but the output gave me some errors. In the moment I use MYSQL 8. I haved fixed by myself. Now it works so semi fine. But I am just happy and doesnt regret the purchase. I have one proposal for the script. How it is about props at the farming spots? So mine idea is when you create a harvest point that then you can place in a prop what whould be spawned if I around to farm it then. Just for more realismus.
By the way… sorry for my english, I am german… xD

Greetings from germany,

Hi, thank you very much I’m glad you like the script :grin:

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Hi, what version of the script are you using?


Excellent work! :laughing:

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Thank you!

Add option at job creator to have items that got durability and make that items get broken after X uses.


can we pleaseee please get harvest markers that disappear once you use harvest them and re-appear after a set amount of time, been asking for this for a while. It’d be great for farming jobs etc


Do you mean that when a player uses the harvest marker once, the marker is not usable (only for the player that used it), and after X seconds the marker is usable again?

yea correct, that way we can setup different types of jobs such as harvesting crops, doing repair work on electrical items etc.

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Hello, can I use superadmin for permission?

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Hi, sure you can rename the ace permission :ok_hand:

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