💼 Jobs Creator 7.0 [ESX][QBCore] - in-game Job Creation Menu without server restart

What server artifacts version are you using? You can see it by executing “version” command in server console

You can already do it by editing index.html file, otherwise you can disable the progress bar and use an external one if you prefer, by following the script documentation

This resource looks awesome! Thank you!

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Thank you very much :grin:

Version: 5050

Is it possible that it is running on ZAP Hosting? Artifact 5039/ZAP

Are you using FileZilla?

np man

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Update 4.2.4

  • Fixed actions menu that appeared even if there all options were disabled
  • Fixed in settings required item for cleaning vehicles, now it saves correctly
  • Corrected events names for healing actions

HEy :slight_smile: Is there a way to do the stashes so, that the police can acces all stashes from everyjob? :slight_smile:

Hi, that’s not possible to do unfortunately

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How i can change Notify system ? because i dont use standard esx notify

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Hello, you can check the script documentation

thx but wher i need to paste this ?

AddEventHandler(“esx_job_creator:esx:ready”, function()

AddEventHandler(“esx_job_creator:notify”, function(message)
ESX.ShowNotification(‘fas fa-info’,6000,‘Info’,message)

You can paste it in esx_job_creator/integrations/cl_integrations.lua

Its don’t work for me :frowning:


Mmh that depends on your notification script, as you can see the default notification is removed, you are probably passing the wrong arguments to your function

Is it possible to make weapons look like this in Armory:

x5:Combat pistol
Etc etc…

Because right now if you have alot of weapons in armory, menu is lagging alot, it would be much easier that it just shows number of each weapon instead of a list.

You can do it with a disassemble weapons to items script, because otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to distinguish the weapons, as they have different components, skins and ammo

Wow nicely done :blush:

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