💼 Jobs Creator 7.0 [ESX][QBCore] - in-game Job Creation Menu without server restart

Hello, default es_extended doesn’t have job2

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Would it be possible to add a feature to attach props to the animations in Jobcreator?
This would be really nice


The vehicles that can be purchased through the “Garage Purchasable Vehicles” item

Would it be possible to lock them ?
because currently it does not work the faction can buy them but not lock them

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where can it be set

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Hello, vehicles keys has integrated way to lock Jobs Creator vehicles, otherwise you can integrate any car lock script by using the script documentation

In the menu settings

Jobs Creator 5.27.1

  • Fixed that “job shop” job was reset after editing the marker
  • Solved that the menu could get stuck in case some data wasn’t available

Hi I have an OkokGarage script and when I park the car out of the garage it says that the vehicle does not belong to me can someone help me?

Hey guys.
I hope you can help me. I work with a friend on a server with the framework qb-core. And now i have the problem, if i want to create a Job, it says in F8:

In txAdmin i’ve a very long text (you can read it here)
Here is a video: 2023-05-12 02-21-40

Can someone explain my, how i can fix this without to change from qb-core to esx?


Good morning
I would like to know if it is possible to configure webhooks notifications so that there are more details. (Name and first name of the person, what they made…)
this is for the crafting table.
Here is what I currently have

I would rather like to use the example below

Hi, first of all I need to say that this its a really good resource if you’re going to have multiple jobs on your server as you gonna get with the same styled menu, options, etc.

As i’m using it for a while I have compiled a list of suggestions that I think that would be great to add on futher updates.

  • Add the possibility of making markers bounce or rotate on the menu (it could be something like this) and also add a text that displays on % or something how many opacity you selected to select the same on all markers:

  • When you use the change duty marker or npc dont reload it as you can see how it disappear and then reappear again. Sometimes if you press E fast it gets like a bit bugged and it keeps repeating the sound of the ShowHelpNotification also it shows both texts for example if you are going out of duty you press E and then it says Get out of duty (again for a sec), it reloads and then says get on duty.

  • Add ox_target support for accesing the different job markers or npcs.

  • Add ox_lib support for notifications, progressbars, skillchecks, etc.

  • Add some kind of function where we can remove the textui we’re using after going out of the marker. As I could see using ox_lib textui instead of the default ShowHelpNotification when you go out of the marker it keeps being on the screen until you press the key you have to do the action. Also when using the default ShowHelpNotification it removes the message when going out of the marker but if you open the menu for example a garage the ShowHelpNotification dissapear for a sec and then reappear again.

Thanks for this amazing resource and all those creators you have made :smiley:

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Hello, could you add to the jobs creator the option that in vehicle spawns they can bring a default modification placed by the one who created the marker?

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Suggestion, Could you configure it to the police job a little better? Like allow new jobs created to jail people, unjail people, etc? and also add a feature where we could add a blip for a building? like a police station, or a hospital?

I love the script but just wish it had a few more options.

Queen P.
Oasis RP

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Hi, I help a friend with his server and get the following error. At the job store you can buy the items normally, you can see at bandage but when I want to buy a weapon it comes up, weapon_pistol. What should actually stand pistol.

In the console comes the error.


Thanks in advance, hope you can help me further.
I changed es_extenden, changed the inventory and updated the server, but it still doesn’t work. Otherwise everywhere you can buy weapons which does not go through the job creator.

yes its encrypted… I dont know why he claimed its open source but I cant edit it…

What? When did I claim it was open source?

First, thx a lot Jaksam for your script, it’s soooo cool :slight_smile:

I just have one frustration and I hope you’ll be able to add it in your next update! Two ideas:

  1. Have the possibility of creating a multiple process. Until now, we can only create a simple process, one item gives another item. We’d like to be able to create a process that gives several items in exchange for one.
    For example, I go to the smelter to melt a block of stone, and I get iron, copper and coal with associated probabilities.

  2. To be able to set up a processing point which, when you interact with the pnj, opens a menu and lets you choose what you want to process.
    For example, I’m carrying iron and copper. I go to the processing point and the pnj suggests either making iron ingots or copper ingots.
    Today, to do this, we need to set up 2 processing points.

Thanks again and I hope you’ll make these additions soon!

ive been loving this script so far but i would love if it had simple interaction points that after completing the action just paid a little money to either the bank account of the person or the cash account. for example, you could add them through the job markers menu and select the marker type, coords, what animation you want the action to play, how long you would like the progress bar to last, if you want to attach any props and the prop offset, how much you want the action to pay and to which account. I feel like there would be alot more job possibilities with this feature.

Very peculiar because I can’t, after all XD

updates like this

  • Ability to set the boss menu, with your own system

  • Ability to set up the dressing room, with your own system

  • Possibility of using custom markers, inserting a special .ytd where you can insert your own markers

  • Customizable vehicle purchase integration

  • Add the possibility that when you purchase (buy) work from the shop, you deduct the money from the company account.

I would love it to have option to use 3rd eye too, a lot of people are going 3rd eye as its more optimized.