💼 Jobs Creator 7.0 [ESX][QBCore] - in-game Job Creation Menu without server restart

First of all:

As far as i know Jobscreator for QBCore uses qbcore resources:
– qb Clothing
– qb-bossmenu or qb-management (can be selected depending on the qbcore version)

And about why other clothing menus are not supported is simply because its not possible to support every possible clothing menu that exists. And about FiveM Appearance → Not everyone uses the same version of it so its not possible either to support all of them.

And another thing:

If he wants to easy sell a converted script he wouldnt offer a discount for those who wanna switch the versions. He would simply say “you have to rebuy, have a great day”


What about all the useless esx stuff in the script. Wasnt it a new script for QBCore? ESX Menu default? Really? Stop being a fanboy man you look ridiculous. You can be more objective

All of the ESX Stuff? Its only menu_default that is required

and said menu_default is a QBCORE Version of esx_menu_default btw.

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Why are you using Jobs Creator if you hate it so much? :thinking:

In this way you make it seems that you can’t create your server without it

I think. this guy just wanted your script support for qb-menu, or ox_lib or something since your script support ox_inventory.

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You could add QTarget for Jobs/Doors/Drugs Creator

Are you able to give a normal answer? Or you just like to laugh at people’s faces because you know they already paid? That doesnt mean that people will keep accepting your shit. You are lucky that all this happens on the internet and nobody knows you, so you can keep going on scamming people.

Good morning

First of all, I’m not scamming anyone at all, otherwise this post would be full of people saying it, but it’s only you

Second, nobody is laughing at your face at all, that’s not my intention and it would be rude doing that

Personally I don’t understand your behaviour, as far as I know it led to a ban in ESX server and a many days timeout in Gabz server

Anyway honestly I had enough of discussing with you in this way, it’s pointless, besides your behaviour, I wish you anyway a nice day Oscar, I hope one day you will stop hating me for no reason :grin:

Update 5.10

  • Added a new server side export to set the state of player handcuffs in the documentation

Maybe you could do, if you search somebody that the stuff, the player has, is sorted. Maybe first you get shown the weapons, the player has and then the other Items the player has with him

Could you make for the Action Menu for a Job, that u can make it, so u can place objects, like a nail tape or a barricade. I would appreciate it, because it would be nice for police jobs or something like that



  • An option to add a Heading/direction
  • Multistory Support, so u can one point to Different Floors

An option To change Standard Values:

  • Marker Type
  • Marker Scale (x,y,z)
  • Maker Color (R,G,B)
  • Marker Offset
    ↳(So when u press Current Cords, It automatically ads x amount to the z
    Value, for example +0.1 so some maker doesn’t glitch in the Floor)

Can someone help me with this its in any blip like armory and vehicles its shows up

Hello, you probably have to update the script

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Is there a fix, that you can take weapons out of a storage or weaponshop, when weapons are Items on the server?

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You can replace the default stash with any stash you want by using the documentation

An option to config a timer for the boss menu wash system

An option to add other features (third party scripts) to boss menu with actions file or integrations and option to change handcuffs to third party script

you could create for the vehicle owned an option that you can make vehicle_owned for a special job for example a vehicle_owned action point where u can select the minimal rank but only job vehicle owned…

@jaksam1074 Can you add okokTextUI?

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If u want to reduce a lot of resources use this job creator!! Very easy to use and all in one!!!

Have some small suggestion for improvement, is it possible to add a fuction in job creator to have fuction like:

  1. [Release] Head bag script [ESX] Version: 1.0.1

  2. Hide in trunk/put the hostages in the car trunk?

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