JD_WhitelistV2 | Ace Permission Vehicle/Weapon Whitelisting

Create a Whitelist for Vehicles/Ped/Weapons and Weapon Attachments

Ace Permission based Whitelisting

Vehicle Whitelisting:

You can add a Vehicle to the Whitelist.
Only people with the Ace Permission given to the model are allowed to drive it.
(Optional: you can make the vehicle delete if the driver isn’t allowed to use it.)

Config.Vehicles = {
	{GetHashKey("apc"), "jd.stafff","0"},

Use 1 to delete a vehicle and 0 to keep it.

Ped Whitelisting:

Ped whitelisting only needs the model name and the ace permission.
If they use a ped they are not allowed to use it gets replaces with Maikel’s character

Config.Peds = {
	{GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01"), "jd.staff"},

Weapon Whitelisting:

Weapon whitelisting only needs the model name and the ace permission.
If they hold the weapon they aren’t allowed to use it gets deleted.

Config.Weapons = {
	{GetHashKey("WEAPON_PISTOL"), "jd.staff"},

Weapon Attachments Whitelisting:

Weapon Attachments whitelisting only needs the model name and the ace permission.
If they hold the weapon with the attachment they aren’t allowed to use it gets deleted.

Config.WeaponComponents = {
	{GetHashKey("COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02"), "jd.staff"},

bet thx

hi can you help me install this

Is it possible to have multiple ACEs on vehicles/weapons? (specifically in our situation, our higher level CIVs should be able to access certain guns as well as members of our SWAT team. Our current system only allows one or the other so if I restrict something to SWAT, I can’t set it for the CIVs.

You can give the ace permission to your Civ group and Swat group.
So yes it’s possible.

Ok, I may have gotten confused as to how this is working. DO we assign a group to each item or do we define a custom ACE for each item and then assign that ACE to groups that we want to have access to that particular item?

This would work best yes

Ah ok, that makes sense. Currently we just assign groups to vehicles with our current script but doing it this way would let us have WAY more control over stuff.

can multiple items be given the same ACE perm? for example, if I have a group of vehicles that are all for applied CIV, can I use the same ACE perm on all those vehicles or does each vehicle need a unique ACE?

this will help you achieve your goals.

Yes you can use the same ace permission

i have problem in server.lua … can u help me please ?

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Question, am I able to blacklist an entire category, or do I have to go through and do each car in it?

blacklist the category in vmenu

How do i make a Whitelisted gun for a certain job

Getting crash “carolina william gee” when spawning peds that my ace has access to.

I am attempting to use this for just peds only. Only file I touched was the config, specifically, only the config.peds section. Just for the record, I am using this with addon peds which should not make a difference. I have triple checked for any basic lua errors and found nothing. I have also tried changing the order of resource ensuring with my streamed peds, vmenu, and this script. Nothing seems to be fixing my issue.