Issue resolved

esx_ambulancejob seems to cause strange server thread hitches which i can’t explain. Upon looking at the code I noticed that a Sync MySQL call happens. Would it be safe to make it async and why does this simple update mysql operation cause this lag in the first place?

AddEventHandler('esx_ambulancejob:setDeathStatus', function(isDead)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

	if type(isDead) == 'boolean' then
		MySQL.Sync.execute('UPDATE users SET is_dead = @isDead WHERE identifier = @identifier', {
			['@identifier'] = xPlayer.identifier,
			['@isDead'] = isDead

having some issues with server hitches myself but cant pinpoint the script, what do you use?

Regular FiveM Profiler. Just typed profiler record 1000 and profiler view in console.

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thanks brother ill have to try it out! just recently started happening and disabled past 30+ added scripts and still same errors, txadmin offered to give me a new server to switch to but wanna find issue first

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well you just helped me fix my login issue server threads <3 was playerhousing startup, now i need to fix these random small hiccups, not seeing anything really in the test besides my sql async at times