Issue on FX Server (extendedmode error)

Hi guys…
i have an error which i couldnt fix and i am confused why it is comming. May somebody help me in this case with any idea.

When do i see this error?
If somebody joins on the server, the message is appearing nearly every 1 minute. It does not appear without players… it is necessary that somebody is joined

Since when it appears?
I am not sure about it maybe it was appeared before but i have realized the error after uploading an backup SQL. Due to an false command, i had destroyed my SQL (sql backup runs every 1 hour)

Error message:
[ script:extendedmode] [ExtendedMode] [WARNING] Server callback “DjbK4gu3JA6dKBrzQZuF” does not exist. Make sure that the server sided file really is loading, an error in that file might cause it to not load.


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