Is there a way to check the file size of citizen-scripting-lua.dll on a client's computer?

So I was wondering if there is a way to check the file size of citizen-scripting-lua.dll on a client’s computer within a script. I would assume this could be done in the client.lua and the client.lua is ran on the client’s computer? Or am I wrong to assume it’s ran on the computer? Thank you.

Best Regards,

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Client scripts are sandboxed so not possible, what would be the goal of this?

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It seems that modders edit this file in order to execute their scripts, so I was wondering if it could be a plausible solution. Just trying to figure a way out to stop them at the source. There is an anti-modding script which a dude goes around on discord selling (ironically he’s a modder himself and mods on your server if you refuse to buy it), but it stops the modders in their tracks when they try to inject it right away. I just wonder how he did it as a developer myself.

Most of these hacks don’t modify the fivem installation

Sounds like a bad solution as every fivem patch could lead to false positives if you forget to update (+ canary/prod differences)

Probably works the same as all of those sold anticheat by just listening to their own events send, check out List of Vulnerable and Abused Events

You might notice events like “antilynx8:anticheat” which are send by some menus and their anticheat basically just listens for that

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Actually, their anti-cheat from what I’ve heard, bans right when the hacks are injected which is why I want to figure out how they do it. I’ll take a look into those events and ban when someone triggered the ones we don’t use, thanks for that.