Is it possible to make 3d cars in blender?


I have a big question for you all. I don’t like to buy any apps for making 3D model cars, but is it possible to make cars with a blender? Blender is free software and I know even more about it. Neither about Zmodeler or other apps

Thanks for your help.


Hello, yes it is very possible to make 3D cars in blender. Though it isn’t really related to FiveM. You would make your own car from scratch in blender or take a 3D model from a site and import it into blender. Then you would split up each thing ex. The doors boot bonnet etc. There is a video online look up blender to zmodeler 3. This will require a zmodeler license though :+1: Hopefully this answers your question if not just reply and I will try and get back to you ASAP

Zmodeler is the only program (that i know of) that allows you to import/export ytf files, so yeah you have to use it if you want your cars ingame. You can use any 3d modeling program to make your models though that is totally up to you.