Hello, I need some help, The players on my server don’t see the object of the animation of another player
example a player playing guitar : Other players cannot see the guitar
Someone knows how I could fix it ?
Thanks in advance
Hello, I need some help, The players on my server don’t see the object of the animation of another player
example a player playing guitar : Other players cannot see the guitar
Someone knows how I could fix it ?
Thanks in advance
use this code in Citizen.CreateThread (function():
add this
local playing_emote = false
this is an example
v v v v v v v v v v v
ped = GetPlayerPed(-1);
if IsControlJustPressed(1, 32) then
TaskStartScenarioInPlace(ped, “WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING”, 0, true);
Notify(“~g~you smoke.”);
don’t forget here !
playing_emote = true;
and this to stop the animation and reset items to your player (and fix invisible props)
if IsControlJustPressed(1, 32) then – INPUT_MOVE_UP_ONLY
if (playing_emote == true) then
playing_emote = false
you can change “IsControlJustPressed(1, 32)” to “IsControlJustPressed(1, add KEY here)”
what folder ?