Installed Windows server as per docs, but get errors

This is my first time setting up a FiveM server. I followed the instructions in “Setting up a server” here:

But I get these errors when running the server:

The server starts and I can join it in localhost, but I don’t know what this error is about and how do I deal with it?


You can find one of my replies on how I fixed this resource.

  • Deleted all resources and replaced with default resources from above link
  • Deleted cache.

Same “compromised” error from yarn but instead of “chat failed” it says:

Building resource webpack failed.
Error data: yarn failed!

I installed the latest artifact (3704) and not the “latest recommended” and also installed the default resources from the above link and now I get no errors, but the chat is still not started.

I still get these
Could not start dependendy webpack for resource chat.
Couldn’t start resource chat.