Install during the fivem asset loading screen defined in the Resource Manifest

After several mappings and servers with a lot of assets, I realized that there was a problem. For people with a bad connection, the game is unplayable while downloading assets. So I’ve got an idea. Why not add to the manifest the possibility of forcing players to install assets before connection for scripts that are too large, at the developer’s discretion of course?

or add an option on the client to download the server assets before connection

Thank you for reading and if there are technical impossibilities to my request would you please be able to answer me so that I am aware and that the idea no longer crosses my mind.

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Hmm :thinking:, sensible but loading will take ages I guess.

Okay, it already does this? If you mean streamed assets, there’s been a few requests for it already, mostly unknown as of now whether it’ll be implemented or not.

I’m talking about YDR YTD and YFT

Yeah, so streamed assets. The second part of my reply is the one you need, then.