In-Game Tablet with Web Based CAD/MDT Support

possible to add mazebank account consultation?

please some one guide me to get the discord thing to work

You would have to do that on your end as not everyone uses the same money system.

ok but how to call a function of a file lua in a html file
it’s complicated when you do not have huge skills ^^

My Discord & Cad Are Just A Little Box Not The Whole Tablet Screen Can Someone Help?

Nevermind I Got It This Tablet Is Amazing Though

Is There Anyway To Add Teamspeak??

Great you got it figured out and as for teamspeak im not sure it that would work as its not web based.

Oh Ok Thanks For The Help

For anyone wanting to change the icons. These are what is used.

just change the name in this line:

<i class="myicon material-icons">school</i>

In the ui.html to one of the names on the linked page


Whats Is The Tablet Width And Height

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just to know
is it possible to do this feature or not?
or I’m looking for nothing
just have the balance on the screen

thanks for help

hey great it works! But is it possible to create channels with it ?

Like your bank balance? It’s very possible. You’d have to code it in yourself tho as there are many different money systems out there and not everyone uses the same one. If you do get a build going for a money system , I’d be happy to include the files and instructions to use them for others.

Just use discord to create channels. The bot doesn’t support voice chat and you won’t have any roles, so you won’t see any text channels that require anything above being a member.

thanks. i talked to one of the devs. Yep no way to make channels

Removed discord. PSA on Advertising in Releases

Thank you
But I do not think I have enough knowledge to be able to code this

Advertising what? I offeredone on one support in the discord vs flooding this comment section. I dont have a fivem server nor am i offering any services other then support @Briglair

How can I make it so It closes with the same key as it is to open it rather than(or aswell as ESC)?