This menu is designed to give your server a fresh look, and it’s completely free. You can customize the interface to your liking and easily add new menus through exports. It also includes a whitelist for menus and allows you to execute commands, events, and functions on the client or server side, all through a configuration file.
The menu can be opened via a command, key, or event, making it easy and straightforward to use. Give your server a unique touch with this versatile and customizable menu!
Config = {}
Config.Framework = 'qb' -- if use qbcore or qbox put qb, if use esx put esx
Config.OpenMenuType = 'command' -- or event
Config.OpenCommand = 'OP' --only if you use OpenMenuType command
Config.OpenKey = 'z'
Config.Position = 'bottom-right' -- Default position (puede ser 'top-right', 'center', o 'bottom-right')
Config.Menus = {
['POLICE ACTIONS'] = { -- Menu Title
IconMenu = 'fa-solid fa-user-shield fa-bounce', -- icon menu
['Cuff'] = { --sub menu
icon = 'fa-solid fa-handcuffs fa-fade', -- icon submenu
Side = 'client', -- if use type = 'event' select client or server
AuthorizeJob = true, -- or false
JobName = {'ambulance','police'}, -- or false
Select = function()
print('client')-- Code to execute depending on whether client or server is selected in Side
['Uncuff'] = { --sub menu
icon = 'fa-solid fa-hands-bound fa-bounce',
Side = 'server', -- if use type = 'event' select client or server
AuthorizeJob = false, -- or false
JobName = {'ambulance'}, -- or false
Select = function()
print('server')-- Code to execute depending on whether client or server is selected in Side
-- ['SELL DRUGS'] = { -- menu title
-- IconMenu = 'fa-solid fa-cannabis fa-bounce', -- icon menu
-- },
Code is accessible | Config |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | +100 |
Requirements | esx qbcore or qbox |
Support | Yes |