I need some help with getting all firstnames and lastnames of users into a SendNUIMessage

Okey so i need to get all database user firstnames and lastnames so i can pick a name in a ui

anyone know how i can get all firstnames and lastnames into a SendNUIMessage, then please help and assist

it think on server side i need to do somthing like this
local usource = source
local matches = {}
MySQL.Async.fetchAll(“SELECT * FROM characters WHERE LOWER(firstname) LIKE @query OR LOWER(lastname) LIKE @query OR CONCAT(LOWER(firstname), ’ ', LOWER(lastname)) LIKE @query”, {
[’@query’] = string.lower(’%’…query…’%’) – % wildcard, needed to search for all alike results
}, function(result)

	for index, data in ipairs(result) do
		table.insert(matches, data)

then i dont really know how to use it in to html

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