I need cuff script

There are many out there… before asking for shit, use the link below.


i search for it but i didnt find any like a want
of course i know to there is a search on this forum.

Well if you don’t find any you want then you need to learn to make the shit yourself or learn to edit the script to do what you want. It makes no sense that you should allow a handcuffed person to operate a vehicle and draw a weapon all while their hands are cuffed behind their back but hey, it’s not my server.

i asked for help .
why this bother you i dont understand ?
i tried to learn how to make “shit” to myself ? i tried all day but i didnt make it and i created this topic
now please help or go

I’m helping you…help yourself.


i tried all day. i didntt make it .
because server side scripts are not allowed to disablekey.
and i didnt make client side cuff script.
have a good day jason knight !

i tried that cant allow use weapon .
but i didnt make it to disable
DisableControlAction(0,170,true) when player cuffed.

and there is no police setting for /cuff in that script

This makes no sense what so ever for what it’s worth.

The first script allows you to walk about and get into a vehicle. Also, the first script you do /cuff [Player ID]…that’s easy to fix if you wanted to put it on a keybind.

sorry man i made a mistake when i write to post

i need cuff script that cuff nearby player and she/he cant drive a car. cant use a weapon and cant press a key that i select.

Can you make that script
Disable key for 170 ?

Okay i did

Now just need to make this
Handcuff nearby player

I understand what your going for, but wouldn’t that be fail RP. Just weed out the good from bad. If your cuffed your not gonna be pulling weapons or hopping in a car and driving. Rules are rules, unleash the banhammer.

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I am pretty sure I fixed the issue with players using weapons / driving didn’t I? or did i miss something again.

Yes you did. Cant use weapon cant drive a car but i just need to set this for a key and when press a key cuff nearby player

I mean what is wrong with using commands?

I dont know maybe it is good . I will ask for my police’s tomorrow

I mean to be honest with you bud you probably wont find just a cuff script with all your features and I would say if I nailed a cuff script except for one thing (cuffing nearest player) I would say just take what you can get for now. I may release an optional one later on to use key bind. (NOT A PROMISE THOUGH). Let your community know you cant be picky with scripts unless you write them yourself. (Not trying to be rude I promise just being realistic.) If I were you I would tell them if they want one make one :slight_smile:

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DisableControlAction(1, 170, true) I believe it is. Just put that in your script

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