I’m stuck on the update local game data screen

I am stuck on the update local game data screen, I have tried to click yes but it doesn’t let me and I don’t know how to combat this

Are you suggesting (as a feature) to make you ‘stuck on the update local game data screen’?

have you tried to click yes?

I was just having the issue and turns out I had to hit F8 so the commandline or whatever you call around here goes away and then you can click on Yes. There’s clearly and overlay bug where it won’t allow you to interact with the prompts, otherwise, you should just make the commandline take over the whole screen for better UX.

Good point: a code change (tweak(conhost): more 'intuitive' behavior with F8 + NUI · citizenfx/fivem@6d37422 · GitHub) has been implemented and this will be in a future client update.