I have a problem with NUI last patch

After player joined server for a while, NUI unable to use.
I have checked about it, declared variables in NUI (javascript) are missing.

I declared
let ITEMS = {} ITEMS.bread = { label: 'Bread', count: 1 }
** bread is inited value from client lua script
After connected to a server 1hr bread is missing in object ITEMS.

I think the system suddenly reload all NUI.

How to fix it? or Do I have to wait the newer update?

Heard a lot of reports for it, including various NUI scripts, breaking the game.
Have you found what causes this?

Supposedly some ‘xSound’ resource that’s fairly popular has a memory leak in older versions:

(this is fixed in ‘1.4.2’ of this resource: Release xSound 1.4.2 · Xogy/xsound · GitHub)

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