In the config under the Config.Hygiene’s you can control the effects
How can i make it less frequent that people need to poop or pee ?
In the OnEffectTick() change the poopRandom number from == 100 to like 500 same goes for peeRandom
so much funny situations until yet. haha cant stop laughing hihi
amazing scripts, everytime.
pleeeeease make the sink working, for washing the hands
Thanks i’m glad you’re enjoying it!
I will add this soon <3
You should make this a Config.PoopTickTime and Config.PeeTickTime for people who are blind like my self haha other then that thank you for this awesome work props to you my friend.
Thanks! Glad you like it!
having a little trouble getting things to work, i got everything set up in city its showing no errors im qbcore but when i use the interaction wheel to pee or poop nothing happens. what am i doing wrong?
Please contact me via the support methods listed in the script/site i will be glad to help with anything! (saves the post from being flooded with support questions :P)
i cant make a ticket thats why im here lol
He has a very worrying problem for me, he puts poop or pee alone in the street, it’s uncomfortable for him to be role-playing if he puts poop alone
I’m a little confused what that means lol
The question is why the player poops alone, why doesn’t he play an animation of pain and dizziness, until the player goes to the toilet,
The cycle is very fast, if it runs it smells bad, is there an event to see the levels?
Everything is escrow, nothing can be done, get more customs that we can make our modifications to suit our taste
There is everything you would need to change these things
CycleTime = 5000, -- in MS, 5000 = 5 secs (time between hygiene effects)
Cooldown = 0.2, -- 1 = 1min 0.2 = 20sec (Want to slow everything down change this)
SearchForHygieneTime = 0.01, --(Increase this to decrease global chances to get dirty/smelly)
The question is why the player poops alone, why doesn’t he play an animation of pain and dizziness, until the player goes to the toilet
I’m not sure what this means sorry
Everything is escrow, nothing can be done, get more customs that we can make our modifications to suit our taste
What other types of modifactions are you trying to do, there’s pretty much a callbacks/variables for almost every part of the script
['Dirty Hands'] = {
catchVia = {
ragdolling = true,
swiming = false,
sprinting = false,
getChance = 5,
cleanBy = {
swimming = true,
bath = true,
shower = true,
toilet = false,
effects = {
fliesAroundPlayer = false,
wetBody = false,
dirtyFace = false,
dirtyArms = true,
dirtyBody = false
cathNotify = 'Your hands are covered in dirt!',
clearNotify = 'Your hands are no longer covered in dirt'
You can expand the ways to get hygiene’s as well using the exports/events/callacks provided
Some of the callbacks (not including serverside)
function Notify(text, type)
--custom code for a custom notify
function OnIterationTick()
--Each tick for iterations (incase you want to tiem it out for a period or something)
function OnIteration(type)
--Each iteration of type
function OnEffect(type) -- Fires at the same time as effects
function CanPedDoAnim()
if K.CheckDead() then
return false
return true
function OnShowerFinish()
function OnBathFinish()
+ config variables of course
With these you could add your own expansions
I would be happy to here some suggestions of things i could add
Please contact me via the discord tickets for the fastest response, I don’t want to flood this post with general support questions
automatically bends over and poops, I don’t like this
ive the problem, that anyone on the server can hear the shower sound themself, if anyone else IS under the shower…
it feels, that the shower sound triggers everyone.
Yes this is how the sounds work, they are all setup so others nearby can hear the sounds
over more then the half map? What is the distance set?
Please contact me via the discord (it’s on the site), I’ve not had this happen before please make a ticket (I would prefer that other than flooding this )