HW Scripts | Pawnshop [PAID]

HW Development - Pawnshop

This script introduces a pawnshop feature to your FiveM server, offering an immersive and dynamic way for players to sell items. With a user-friendly configuration file (config.lua), setting up and customizing the pawnshop functionality is a straightforward process.

:tools: Installation
Ensure you have the required dependencies installed:

  • ox_lib
  • qtarget
  • es_extended

Integrate the script into your server’s resource folder.

:wrench: Configuration

> Multiple Sell Shops: Configure multiple sell shops, providing flexibility and variety for players.
> ox_lib Integration: Leveraging the power of ox_lib, this script optimizes player ped caching, context menu, input dialogs, notifications, and callbacks, resulting in a seamless and efficient experience.
> Configurable Shop Ped: Tailor the appearance and behavior of the shop ped according to your server's theme and preferences.
> Blips (Optional/Configurable): Enable or disable blips for the pawnshop on the map, allowing server administrators to choose the level of visibility for players.
> Payment Currency Configuration: Set configurable payment currencies for different items, adding a layer of realism and diversity to the economy.
> Minimal Resource Usage: With an impressive 0.00ms usage, this script ensures optimal server performance.

Pretty self-explanatory in the config.lua

:globe_with_meridians: Dependencies

:white_check_mark: Features

  • Multiple sell shops
  • ox_lib utilized for cached player ped, context menu, input dialog, notifications, and callbacks
  • Configurable shop ped
  • Configurable / optional blips
  • Configurable payment currency per item
  • 0.00ms usage



Tebex link:

HW Scripts | Pawnshop

| Code is accessible | No, its not atm |
| Subscription-based | Not needed |
| Lines (approximately) | 200+ |
| Requirements | See above |
| Support | Yes, please join our discord |


is it possible to add the item picture in the context for faster overview and more beauty?

is it possible to show in context how much i have in my inventory from the item that i can sell?
when i was on task to the shop i talk with other guy… i forget how much i have. open the shop. damn… how much i have. close all… open inventory to show how much. close inventory. open shop etc :smiley:

So for the 1st question you asked, yes its possible… in fact i had it working with different icons for the items. But somehow with rewriting some lines i messed up the icon part. I will look into it for the next upcomming update.

And for the 2nd question you asked, its a good idea, i needed a fast solution for selling more items then just 1, so used simple stuff to add it. Ill take it with me for the next update!

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