How to use Natives Serverside?

I ran into an problem with the “HasPedGotWeaponComponent” Native.

Iam able to use it client side but when I try to use it server side I get global nil.
Is there any Way to use it Serverside anyway ?
Or is there another Native instead ?


Hello, there is very useful buttons on the native reference page :
Just select the “server” API set

But I don’t think HasPedGotWeaponComponent has a server-side equivalent, why are you trying to use it from the server-side? (In order to understand if you could not use another way of doing what you want.)

I know about this Button.

I tried it becaus than the client cant abuse it that easy. This check is necessary for giving an Item or not.
But I figured out a way with ESX xPlayer. Ther is an Function that did pretty much what I wanted.

Thanks anyways!

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