[How-to] [Updated] Discord rich presence Custom Image 🏞

Hello guys . Can you help how to do like the picture above ? Thank you !! https://imgur.com/w6pouL7

Huh? Read the post and it tells you how to do it.

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I followed the steps but i want to learn me if you can , how can i make like in the picture above , i mean to see the name in game, the ID in game(the number) and players like: 1/32 . Thank you !

name = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())
id = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())

Thank you . I tryed , i’ve made like this: https://imgur.com/a/aUHsAQb and it didn’t work . Can you help me out ? Thank you !

If you’re trying to use the name and id var in the SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetText text string you must enclose it in "..
ex: SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetText("ID: "..id.." | "..name.." ")
I have never tested if you can put a variable in the image texts but that is how you would do it

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Super useful.
Thanks so much for making this I’ve been trying to figure it out for so long!

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When you mean “roleplay names” do you mean names given to you by esx, vrp, etc? or the users steam name?

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I fixed it, its for ESX.

Love this mate!


Love it, thank you :slight_smile: Image is just for now while i find someone to make me a better one, was taken from google.


good release cutie


does not work

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Discribe any errors because this sounds like user error

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Get it to work, but the photo does not want to appear …

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First check if the image name is correct, also make sure you don’t have a double “-” in your image name, this may causes a weird bug.

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@QuimeyDo you possibly have a discord, maybe we can call and you can show me because I’m confused. If you want to DM me on the forums to exchange information, that works.

If you will change the MPH to KPH do this
MPH = math.ceil(GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())) * 3.6)

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Hi were do i put these commands…is this right ?

while true do
–This is the Application ID (Replace this with you own)

    --Here you will have to put the image name for the "large" icon.
    --(11-11-2018) New Natives:

    --Here you can add hover text for the "large" icon.
    SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetText('NaturBerget RP')
    --Here you will have to put the image name for the "small" icon.

    --Here you can add hover text for the "small" icon.
	name = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())
    id = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())
	SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetText("ID: "..id.." | "..name.." ")

    --It updates every one minute just in case.


Does anyone know how to fix it? Why not picture?unknown%20(1) image