[How-to] Stream custom clothes

anyone knows how to change default helmet when get on a motorcycle? i want to change from motocross helmet (default) to my AGV helmet (stream)…or can you help me to make AGV helmet detect as ‘helmet’? because whenever i get on a motorcycle wearing the AGV helmet, it will change to default helmet…i really appreciate your help.

Cant get this to work…

Do you have FiveM Patreon?

do you have any idea why a clothing variation slot may not be loading, like i put in some hoodies, but each hoodie only the first texture slot(ytd) is loading for each model(ydd)…
maybe i should aslo add that this only happens to the model i added after the 16th slot

do you have any idea why a clothing variation slot may not be loading, like i put in some hoodies, but each hoodie only the first texture slot(ytd) is loading for each model(ydd)…
maybe i should aslo add that this only happens to the model i added after the 16th slot

what do i do after buying patreon?

make sure u have onesync enable, not more to do when key is synced allready, what should did after this time.

i wanna do some more clothes in one pack, is there any limit or just the each file max size only? Can i make a stream folger containing also more folders like in car streaming packs?

i put all my clothing in one pack i got like a few gb worth

i dont think there is a limit because i have like 1000 clothing items in my 1 folder

Thanks u, nice to here just one resource needed, hopefully I can get some structure in my streamfolder

why i cannot find the custom vest that i made
on clotheshop?

Anyone can make a video lesson for this, because
i dont understand this!

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yes i need this too

so is this ever gonna be client side were we can just add to our gta v main directory instead of just sever side


Why would you want to? Then you could be wearing a cute outfit only visible to you whilst everyone else thinks you look like a muppet?

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because people car to much abouthere cars an addong guy mods thats why

this actually makes no sense at all but OK.

Hello, could someone help? I tried using alt tool since it add’s the clothes to the new DLC so it doesnt mess up the existing clothes. But in game when i add them it start bugging some textures in other Interior’s MLO’s. For example: https://www.gta5-mods.com/player/slightly-oversized-hoodie-pack-for-mp-2ac43b3d-ec3f-48ff-af49-281e473ae25c#description_tab