How to setup a RedM Server

Hi guys, I don’t know if that’s the right section, but just in case I apologize in advance.
Unfortunately since the latest RedM update was released some of our users are having serious Sync problems or we didn’t understand what.
I try to explain to you:
Some users are able to log into the server with their own id, but some players see each other and are able to talk, others are invisible.
We have noticed that NPCs crash more and more often causing unpleasant bugs.
We tried to replace the Artifact with the latest recommended one released on the link which is also in this Thread, but the problem persists.
Does anyone know what this error may be due to or do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

You should perhaps post in the server discussion area instead of tutorials.

When you do post as much information as possible.

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Pretty sure that is ok as you cant use webmonitor yet

Hello, anyone can help me please, i did the tutorial, everythink working perfect, but when i try logging in my server show me invalid game build enforcement (1604).

Anyone knows how can i fix it please? it is my first five m server, i did before only in arma 2, arma 3, ark, dayz and connan, so probably i did some mistake.

So i need say thank you for any help.

@Boxsmella I have answered how to solve this on another post: RedEM: Roleplay gamemode | The roleplay gamemode for RedM - #149 by ArcticEllis

@Varella Make sure your using the latest build of RedM. Make sure you are using an unmodified verison of Red Dead 2. Verify game files?

When I join my server, it says I need steam running, even though I do - Shows that I am playing RedM and everything. How do I fix this?

@Varella Did you find a solution? I have the same issue. I’m able to connect to public servers but not local ones

@ArcticEllis Do you have any other suggestions? I think 1604 is a GTA5 build? (see line below)

why do i have a warning when i start RedM?

server thread hitch warning: timer interval of 156 milliseconds 
sync thread hitch warning: timer interval of 138 milliseconds 
network thread hitch warning: timer interval of 197 milliseconds 
server thread hitch warning: timer interval of 228 milliseconds

i use VPS 18.04.5 LTS

Is this guide still current?

Ive followed the instructions and setup a server on a remote linux box, then on my local windows pc and they both have the same issue.

Server shows online, but when connecting it gets hung at the loading screen. this shows in the console if its relevant

Tried with the latest artifact build and the recommended and has the same result? can anyone recomend anything?


## You CAN edit the following:
endpoint_add_tcp ""
endpoint_add_udp ""
sv_maxclients 32
set steam_webApiKey "*"
sets tags "default"

## You MAY edit the following:
sv_hostname "Test server local"
sv_licenseKey "*"
sets locale "en_US" 

## These resources will start by default.
ensure spawnmanager
ensure mapmanager
ensure basic-gamemode
#ensure chat
#ensure sessionmanager-rdr3
#ensure hardcap
#ensure redem

## Add system admins
add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don't allow quit
add_principal identifier.fivem:* group.admin

I’ve exactly the same issue…
I spent a lot of time trying to solve the problem, no success.
Any help is welcome.

I think I’ve found a solution.
The lastest version of the cfx-server-data seems to be the source of the problem.
Revert to the previous version solved the issue for my case. I hope this may help you.

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There was an error, specified in server.cfg, But still does not help

can anyone help i keep getting Server specified an invalid game build enforcement 1604 and my server is online how do i fix the invalid game bulid

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have you made the .bat file to tell it when launching your server it is a rdr3 game? mine looks like this

@echo off
color 0B
cd /d D:\RedMSever\cfx-server-data
D:\RedMSever\FXServer.exe +exec server.cfg +set gamename rdr3
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Yes i have done that still not working

sets sv_projectName and sets sv_projectDesc. You need to add “sets” in front of them without the quotes

This guide is so inaccurate it’s painful

Create a batch file to start your server. Place it in the root if you folder structure (alongside server-data and server-files). And put this in it:

cd server-data && ..\server-files\FXServer.exe +exec server.cfg +set gamename rdr3

What is inaccurate aside from adding instructions for a bat file? I know personally I used this guide to set up and just made a batch file without having to be told to using the command they clearly layout.

It just says given path doesn’t excist when i run the command