How to remove ambient sounds


I have looked around a bit and have not found any resources or info on this. I was wondering how I would go about removing all the background audio from the game? (e.g. lawn mowers, distant sirens, distant car beeps). For the atmosphere of one of my scripts, I would like it if there wasn’t any background “city” noises.

I haven’t been able to find anything in the native reference or online for it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Far as i know, you cant and its simply something that has to be lived with as its the GTAV client itself that contains these ambient sounds.

StartAudioScene(“CHARACTER_CHANGE_IN_SKY_SCENE”) – this should disable city sounds or maybe not . i have not test it yet.


It worked!

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Ye this will work

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Should I set it on loop?

But this ----> StartAudioScene(“CHARACTER_CHANGE_IN_SKY_SCENE”) where should I write it? Or what can I do with it?

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Yeah where should we put that?

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StartAudioScene(“CHARACTER_CHANGE_IN_SKY_SCENE”) – Call it once.
put in any client script worked for me!!


Just download this script and it should work. GitHub - DikaN1337/fivem-disableambientsounds

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Hi , where can i put these files?


What folder do I put it in?

in your ressource folder, look up in youtube for tutorial

In which folder should those files be placed?

Heres the Link: GitHub - Berkcan61/bb_AtmosphereManager: Test

Just Put IT in your Ressource folder, Look in YouTube for tutorial