How to quit with a message

Hey there, so i noticed that a player left this server i play on with a custom leave message, how would i go about getting this custom leave message? or do i need to be someone important within fivem?


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You could edit where it say “left” & change that to something like “I’m a very very bad boy”!

it’s only on that client, not anyone else

They’ve somehow managed to pass a custom reason to the chat resource, presumably through an unsupported modification of their game files:

AddEventHandler('playerDropped', function(reason)
    TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, '', { 255, 255, 255 }, '^2* ' .. GetPlayerName(source) ..' left (' .. reason .. ')')


You can just specify a leave message when you quit fivem by using quit "message here" in f8 console, HOWEVER this message means the guy tried to cheat :sweat_smile:

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Learn something new everyday… My exits will be far more dramatic from now on, thanks.

I really hope a custom quit message isnt real. I haven’t tested it yet but that really doesn’t seem like it should be a thing. I have certain events trigger depending on the leave message.

It is and this has been possible since 2014.

Which is 100% subject to change and in most cases user-sent… so why are you relying on such?

Ah okay no worries thank you, was really confused never thaught this was possible haha cheers!