[How-to] Map an interior and stream it in FiveM

I’m having the problem when deleting/moving existing props, the collission of the object is still there. You cant see the prop though. Any suggestion?

Why withdraw your message ? The question can be useful for other people.

Sometimes R* mappers are lazy, they put a collision on the main interior .ybn, not in the prop.

So when you move / delete the prop it is still there. You have to edit the main collision with something like GIMS Evo.

I tried editing it with a bit more context but everything was a bit goofy on my end. Alright, thanks for the answer, I’ll look into it! :smiley: Thanks for your amazing work to help the community!


Hello! When my team and I try to run any command using this binary, we get:

Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at GTAUtil.Program.GetDLCList()
   at GTAUtil.Program.Init(String[] args)
   at GTAUtil.Program.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<HandleFindOptions>b__0(FindOptions opts, GenericOptions gOpts)
   at GTAUtil.CommandLine.Parse[T](String[] args, Action`2 callback)
   at GTAUtil.Program.HandleFindOptions(String[] args)
   at GTAUtil.Program.Main(String[] args) 

Any thoughts? We have added props to various interiors using ymaps but they disappear when you enter the interior. Your tool seemed perfect for this, but we can’t get past this error.

Hello, can you send me your dlclist.xml ?


Whenever I try to put a prop, it becomes invisible, and the hash is not found.

Enable and load the DLC “patchday2ng”

I was able to get interior items to load but if you stand on them it unloads the rest of the normal non interior


https://gyazo.com/c5fa126c7dd650531a42e48ffaa3df7c i dont understand my friend puts the same text in and it works but if i do it does not work? using windows 7

https://gyazo.com/f7dcff6a024d10ef5b7879024ea83db0 I followed the video and im not sure exactly what im missing, please tell me if anyone has any info on what i could have possibly done wrong

hello !
i can’t launch this resource ( gta util ) on linux, i thinks it’s du to the case sensitive in linux, have u got the ressources with all lowercase directories, files, namespace, include etc…?

Je ne peux pas lancer cette ressource (gta util) sur linux, je pense que c’est du à la casse sensible à linux, avez-vous les ressources avec tous les répertoires minuscules, fichiers, espace de noms, inclure, etc…?


I’m trying for the inside v_trailertidy, but instead of appearing inside, nothing appears.

so lets say i want to add another mission row interior at another police station. how would i move this interior under the map near the pd i want at. im pretty sure this is what nopixel has done.

nice !

I’m trying to change the workshop of “v_int_71.ytyp” but it always go and grab a tower… How can I make it release the other things?

I need help, i get this error while trying to find position:

I have the problem with the collisions. https://gyazo.com/e1d2d8c2012448e8ce4a7d37f9b0f67b

So I managed to edit the map and removed some props and from there I added 1 prop. Everything compiled fine and what messed up is streaming, I crash everytime I try to get on the server with the error code => "pluto-yankee-berlin"

I’m trying to edit Simeon’s dealership.

Any way to get the same but for outside locations?
I would like to edit a car park.

I’ve had success with another room, but I’ve had problems with this garage, and v_int_71.ytyp pulling one of the los santos customs garages, it pulls a guard tower instead.